Friday, August 28, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I'm looking for a babysitter on Tuesdays for Michael and David. Mattie was approved for another 24 weeks of extra therapy. The times would be from 12-4. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Where is David

The other day I was sweeping the floor and I could hear David playing but did not know where he was. When I was done sweeping I went to check on him and I could not find him. I called his name and he babbled, I checked the bedrooms and bathroom and no David. I called his name again and he babbled. As I was coming out of the bedroom I see his little bald head peek around the laundry room door. My first reaction was...... what is he doing. When I went to get him I realized he was in the laundry basket. My guess is he pulled himself up to the basket, tried to reach for something and fell in.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of Pre-School

Michael started pre-school this week. He was so excited to start. He woke up on Saturday all ready to go and then started crying when I told him he had 2 more days. He was up early Monday morning and even go himself dressed, of course he dressed himself from the to small pile that is in his closet. He had on a pair of Pajama Pants and a Spider man T-shirt. This is his last year in pre-school and then he is Kindergarden.

Blue Paint

Today Michael,David, Mattie and I were working on Dan's Birthday Present. I was doing handprints and David and Mattie decided to have some fun. Mattie licked her hands and rubbed her face and hair. David just rubbed it and tried to play in it. (Also I want to mention that yes he does not have a diaper on, but I took his diaper off because I gave him a bath after the paint but decided to take a quick picture before putting him in the bath)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another Wonderful Giveaway

This is the last of Heidi's blog giveaways. I do want to comment on what a great job she has done with the weekly giveaways. Every person has a amazing talent and has made wonderful items. I'm jealous at the talent that everyone has. The last giveaway is a photograph session by Paxam Photography. Like I said before I'm not computer savvy so here is the link for Heidi is www.joncasfamily.blogspot and for Paxam Photography is

Check it out...enter...maybe you will win....

Friday, August 14, 2009

What I love.....

There have been a few accidents this week. One being the chocolate milk that spilt in the new car. Michael had a friend over this week and threw up, and the rest are the typical baby accidents. The carpet cleaner has been my friend this week.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm not a beggar but this time I am... Any advice?

It happened.... I knew it was coming but did not know when and Sunday it happened.... My dryer broke. It was nothing special just a regular dryer and Dan had it before we got married so it is about 10 years old. I have looked at washers and dryers before and I have no clue what I want. The regular kind or the new fancy front loaders kind. There are ups and downs to both styles. My washer still works so do I just get a dryer or do I get the matching set. I do know I need something that holds more and you can get those in both styles. I love the idea of the front loaders because you can stack them and the kit to stack them is 30 bucks vs. the pedestal to make them taller around 200 bucks for each. The idea of stacking is it would give me more room in the laundry room but on the other hand I can't go crazy because there is the price tag... So needless to say I have no idea and would love some advice from anybody and everybody, I don't care if I don't know you and you saw this blog (unless your a obsessed stalker and I would love to know why)... The purchase will happen this weekend so I have one week. Please anybody?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So much to blog about

For whatever reason I can't not type next to the pictures. So I'm going write about everything up here. First David can finally sit up! Yea baby D! He has been pulling himself up to stand for about a month and will even cruise the couch but he would not situp on his own. On Sunday he just decided hey I can do this and does it all the time know. A few weeks ago I made pancakes for breakfast (I know fancy) and Mattie got a plate that had tons of syrup on it and she dumped it on her head. I went to give her a bath and came out to get the camera and when I went back into the bathroom there she was standing at the bathtub. (Yea little M.J!) This is the first time she has pulled to stand on her own. Last week she was measured for leg braces and the braces will improve her standing and eventually will lead into walking. When she stands know she locks her legs and knees and turns her feet inwards. In July I received some free tickets for the circus. I took Michael and Mattie and a friends little boy who in exchange watched David for me that night. It was great and all 3 kids loved it. Michael sat at the edge of the seat the entire time. Mattie clapped and waved her hands around with the music and she even sat still through the performance. One picture is of Michael and Garrett in front of a circus box car. The other picture is Mattie and I. Her cheeks are stuffed with popcorn (one of the big factors in getting her to sit still). The kids had a great time and I'm glad that we had the opportunity to go. Micheal said his favirote part was the tigers and the guy shooting out of the canyon.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Really cute dresses

Mattie wants to be stylin in a very cute homemade dress by Heidi Joncas. She is doing a giveaway on her blog.

This week the giveaway is not for me but for Mattie who secretly told me that she really hopes she wins so she can have a cute dress (not that mom does a bad job dressing me) but.... it would be fun to have a homemade dress and then she wants to go and get her picture taken. She said her brothers can join her in the picture but the can't steal the spotlight from her.